翠風舞う夜明け The Verdant Wind at Dawn
クロード: ……にしても、あれから5年だぞ?今まで、どこで何してたんだよ。
Claude: It's been five long years. Where have you been, Teach?
You don't really expect me to believe that you've been napping this whole time, do you?
Choice 1: 眠りこけていた I was sleeping.
Choice 2: 記憶がない I don't remember.
クロード: ははっ、嘘をついてる顔……じゃないな。わかった、信じよう。
Claude: That's a good one! Except… That's not your lying face. I guess I've got no choice but to believe you.
You're not exactly normal to begin with, so it's not a huge stretch to imagine you sleeping for that long.
Aaand this is where you say, "just kidding." Right? If this is a rib, now's the time to fess up.
Byleth: 本当だ It's the truth.
クロード: ……本気かよ?はあ……信じてやるか、まったく。
Claude: You must be insane. And yet… Fine. I believe you, OK?
But that means you don't know anything that happened after your last battle, right?
クロード: ……なら、俺が説明してやるしかないか。
Claude: I guess it's on me to catch you up.
As you can see, Garreg Mach was crushed by the Empire and was never restored.
The monastery is in ruins, and the town is in pretty bad shape too. Can you guess why?
Choice 1: レアも寝ている? Rhea has been sleeping too?
クロード: ……なるほど、その線も出てきたな。実際、あんたは寝てたって主張するし……。
Claude: Huh. It would seem that's one possible explanation, since you insist that's what you've been up to.
Choice 2: レアが死んだ? Rhea has died?
クロード: さあな。今のところ死体も出てこないし、帝国に殺されたって話も聞こえちゃこない。
Claude: Her body was never found, and the Empire never declared that she had been killed. So… No telling.
クロード: とにかくレアさんは、5年前の戦いで忽然と姿を消しちまった。
Claude: All we know for sure is that Rhea suddenly vanished during that battle five years ago.
The Knights of Seiros have apparently been searching all over Fódlan for her…
But the fact that this place is still in ruins tells me they still haven't found her.
Choice 1: 見つけたい We must find her.
クロード: ああ、俺もレアさんには聞きたいことがまだ山ほどあるからな。
Claude: True. I've got a mountain of questions I'd like to ask her, after all.
Choice 2: 心配だ I'm worried.
クロード: 心配、か。ま、良くも悪くもあんたはレアさんに目をかけられてたしな。
Claude: Worried, huh? Well, for better or worse, Rhea was clearly fond of you.
クロード: だが、レアさんが大司教として再臨するのが果たして良いことなのかどうなのか……
Claude: But I'm not so sure whether it would be good for her to return as the archbishop…
Rather, with her gone… Eh, never mind. This could be a dangerous conversation.
Before we discuss the state of affairs in each territory… Are you hungry? You must be.
It's not much, but I did bring some food with me. Let's eat up and go from there.